known as the therapists’ therapist

Psychotherapists and physicians refer their family and friends to Terry Klee because, besides being highly trained, when it comes to relationship issues, Terry makes counseling enjoyable and productive.


credentials & Expertise

Trained, Seasoned, & Collaborative.

While most therapists will tell you that, yes, they *see* couples, most are neither specifically trained nor actively seasoned in how to sincerely collaborate with people about their relationships. For individuals and couples, Terry’s training helps people make sense of their relationship’s dynamics, creating more vitality than they thought possible.

style & approach


When relationships get tough, they are seriously tough. People want peace of mind sooner, not later. This is why Terry Klee won’t just look quietly at you and nod her head with a generic uh-huh. You will get useful info and enjoyable collaboration that opens up your choices — and makes you feel good about yourself along the way, too.

specialties & fee

As a relationship expert, Terry Klee takes her specialties seriously. She is not a generalist. For individuals and couples, Klee dedicates her attention to strategies of relationship enhancement and, no less, practical research regarding one’s personal happiness and fulfillment.