Notable Credentials & recognitions
Columbia University, Masters Degree of Science, Clinical Social Worker, Cum Laude, NY State License #079073 & CT State License #8587
Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider, 2019
Marital Therapy Strategies, Integrative Couple Modalities; N. Jacobson, G. Margolin, Christensen et. al; 2018
Paul Ekman’s “Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics and Marriage”, 2017
Couples & Affairs, Notwithstanding On-Going Ones, Univ. of North Carolina, 2014
Esther Perel’s Understanding and Enhancing Desire, WCSPP Three Day Conference, 2013
Neurobiology & Psychotherapy, CEU-Accredited, 2012
Association of Women in Psychology (AWP). Annual Conference, Keynote Workshop Speaker, Identity and Relationships of Childlessness, 2007
NY State Society of Clinical Social Workers (NYSSCSW), Annual Conference, Keynote Workshop Speaker, Identity and the Interpersonal World, 2006
Intensive Couples Counseling: Psychodynamic, Family Systems and EFT, 2006
Ethical Practice in an Informal World, Smith College, 2005
Psychodynamic Masters Studies: William Alanson White Institute (WAWI), 2004
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Columbia University, 2003
Effective Evidence-Based Practice, Columbia University, 2003
Motivational Interviewing (MI), Addictions-NIH, 2002
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash for Terry Klee, author, relationship expert and top-rated therapist.